Thursday, June 30, 2011

Changing the World

I want to change the world. How many times do I hear this or say this? I want to know that my life is actually making a difference, that I'm not just wasting air. But I'm not saving peoples lives or rescuing children from abusing situations, in fact I am not really all that much to improve any one's life. This needs to change!

Here is a list of the things I can do to change the world:

1. Read my Bible everyday
2. Improve my relations with family/friends/people
3. Be diligent in EVERYTHING! (yes this does include organizing the shoes in my closet!)
4. Never judge someone (we never know what is really going on with people)unless you are a judge.
5. Cherish every moment that we have of life
6. Pray without ceasing
7. Never give up, even when it seems that there is no hope, there is always hope has long as God reigns( which is always)
8. Smile at people, even if you don't know them.

I have realized that this list could go on forever, because changing the world is not merely about just saving some one's life, it is also about changing yourself. By giving each day to God, we are asking Him to use our little, selfish selves to be a play a part in the big plan of redemption.

So you want to change the world? Give yourself to God. He's got some big plans for you!

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